
Вылетающих из аэропорта Милана-Бергамо

Вылетающих из аэропорта Милана-Бергамо российских пассажиров будет встречать гид, специально предоставляемый для того, чтобы они сполна могли воспользоваться такими услугами как Fast Track и Vip Lounge, и другими эксклюзивными сервисами как BGY TOP. К их услугам также будет возможность воспользоваться преимуществами и удобствами возврата налогов и по достоинству оценить разнообразие и элегантность 60 магазинов, расположенных в аэропорту, среди которых есть и специализирующиеся на продуктах питания, что позволит сделать покупки и приятно провести время в барах и ресторанах.


Italia Travel Awards

Milan Bergamo Airport is competing to Italia Travel Awards, the reward created to celebrate the commitment and competence in travel and tourism’s branch. To support our candidacy, please vote milanbergamoaiport on the website http://www.italiatravelawards.it/vota


Ryanair reminded customers of its new baggage policy

Only Priority Boarding customers (including Plus, Flexi Plus & Family Plus) will be allowed to bring two carry-on bags on the aircraft from 15th January 2018
All other (i.e. non-priority) customers will only be allowed to bring one smaller carry-on bag on board the aircraft, while their second (bigger) wheelie bag must be placed in the hold (free of charge) at the boarding gate

Ryanair has introduced bag policy changes on all flights as follows:

The check-in bag allowance has increased from 15kg to 20kg for all bags. The standard check-in bag fee has been cut from €/£35 to €/£25 for this 20kg bag


Servizio di rifornimento carburante avio

Si informa che sono stati completati i lavori per la realizzazione della nuova baia di carico a servizio dell’esistente deposito di stoccaggio carburante avio, ed è pertanto operativa all'esercizio di rifornimento per autobotti.

Alla baia di carico potranno avere accesso tutti gli operatori into plane autorizzati da Enac.


Information campaign on alien species

As of January 3, 2018 the Carabinieri Forestry Group of Bergamo, in collaboration with staff of the Plant Protection Service of ERSAF Lombardy, to run an information campaign aimed at passengers in the departures terminal of Milan Bergamo (airside). The goal is to raise awareness to the risks associated with the introduction of invasive alien species and on the local area carried in airline luggage.
The action is part of the LIFE IP Project GESTIRE 2020, which sees the Lombardy Region as the project manager and the collaboration of airport authorities, and is based on the assisted compilation of an anonymous questionnaire on biodiversity knowledge and the risks of introduction of species alien.
The first phase of the information campaign was scheduled from 9 am to 12 noon on Wednesday 3 January 2018.

