

Concerns about the continuous delays in air transport in the continental skies, expressed in June by Assaeroporti representing all of national airports and the subject of a note released in recent days by SACBO, in relation to the situation that weighs on Milan Airport Bergamo as a result of strikes and contingencies of various kinds with scattered origins, were taken over by the European Commission for Transport and Tourism of the European Parliament, chaired by Karima Delli, and by the EU Commissioner for Transport, Violeta Bulc.

In a joint document, the two EU institutions highlight how the current system is unable to manage the ever increasing volume of air traffic and the need to update the planning and control mechanisms under Eurocontrol.
With 11 million scheduled flights - according to the note by the European Commissioner for Transport and the European Parliament's Committee on Transport - it is predicted that 2018 will be the year with the highest air traffic ever. The problem of delays, which involves about 50 thousand passengers every day in airports all over Europe, with an average shift of two hours of flight departure, is destined to intensify with the peaks expected in the summer vacation weeks, if no solutions are introduced effective measures to ensure return to acceptable levels of punctuality. To the inconvenience and additional costs due to delays at the expense of passengers and airlines, heavy operating losses are added to the airports.

The EU transport institutions call on national air navigation service providers to work with Eurocontrol to rapidly get more effective management of the European air transport network.
A position that confirms how it has grounded what expressed by SACBO since the first signs of a problem that has progressively widened and ended up inevitably incumbent on the airports with the highest concentration of traffic on European routes, providing a distorted image of flights scheduled at night. Image that is the direct consequence of the above reasons, on which SACBO has no responsibility or possibility of intervention, like other European airports.


On Thursday 21 June Music Festival at the airport

Milan Bergamo Airport is one of the 22 Italian airports that join the 2018 Music Festival promoted by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, in collaboration with ENAC and Assaeroporti. On Thursday 21 June Milan Bergamo Airport will host musicians representing different musical genres in the departure and arrival areas of the terminal. A large program of performances that enhances the tradition linked to the composer Gaetano Donizetti and the musical institute that bears his name, giving space to internationally renowned masters and students, as well as to other genres such as country and choral singing.


non-technical Summary of the Action Plan on noise 2018

SACBO has published on its website, Section Acoustic Climate, the non-technical Summary of the Action Plan on noise 2018, in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree n. 194 of 2005 on the "implementation of Directive 2002/49 / EC concerning the determination and management of environmental noise". The document is available at the following link:




L'Aeroporto di Milano Bergamo a fianco del FAI Fondo Ambiente Italiano

A fianco del FAI vogliamo contribuire a realizzare un grande progetto di tutela che è anche un’ambiziosa sfida culturale: fare dell’Italia un luogo più bello dove vivere, lavorare e crescere i nostri figli. Siamo convinti che il patrimonio paesaggistico e culturale, che il FAI salvaguarda e promuove, rappresenta infatti un capitale unico al mondo e la risorsa fondamentale su cui investire per far rinascere, sviluppare e valorizzare il nostro meraviglioso Paese.

Fare parte del programma di membership aziendale Corporate Golden Donor, affianca SACBO al novero dei sostenitori del FAI in un convinto programma di protezione, recupero e salvaguardia di beni storici, artistici e paesaggistici che rappresentano il “nostro petrolio”.

SACBO è convinta che il patrimonio culturale sia il grande valore aggiunto su cui puntare per fare del nostro Paese la meta privilegiata del turismo internazionale.  Per questo SACBO ha scelto di affiancare il FAI nell’opera di educazione e sensibilizzazione alla conoscenza, al rispetto e alla cura dell’arte e della natura, valorizzando e rendendo accessibili i gioielli custoditi nel nostro Paese.


Direct flight to Lappeenranta

On Wednesday 28 March 2018, Ryanair inaugurated the route between Milan Bergamo and Lappeenranta, a city to the South-East of Finland, 30 kilometres from the Russian border. The flight runs every Wednesday and Saturday, leaving Milan Bergamo at 4.25 p.m. and arriving after 3 hours and 15 minutes, taking off again from Lappeenranta at 9.05 p.m. and landing at Milan Bergamo at 11.20 p.m.
