

Fifty years ago, on 16 July 1970, the company named Società per l’Aeroporto Civile di Bergamo Orio al Serio – SACBO, was incorporated in the offices of the Chamber of Commerce in Bergamo. This deed was the logical conclusion to a process that had begun two years earlier, when the idea of initiating civil aviation on the existing military airport, dating to 1939, was envisaged.

The major players in those stages of the company’s foundation were Attilio Vicentini, who  was then president of the Chamber of Commerce, and who would become the first chairman of SACBO; Giacomo Pezzotta, who was Mayor of Bergamo; Giovanni Giavazzi, president of the Province of Bergamo; Gianni Porfidia, Mayor of Orio al Serio; Bernardi Sestini, president of the Taramelli aero club; and Carlo Pesenti, chairman of Italcementi.

From the operational point of view, on 16 July 1971, exactly one year after SACBO’s incorporation, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority granted its approval for starting flying operations, making it possible to initiate routes to Rome, Cagliari, Alghero and Catania.
The first civil flight was made on 21 March 1972, when an Itavia DC9 set out for Rome Ciampino, taking off from a runway which at that time was 1,800 metres long. By the end of the next decade, it had been progressively extended to 2,800 metres.

In 1999, for the first time Orio al Serio airport exceeded the number of a million passengers handled in a year.
An important step forward in passenger transport was taken on 14 February 2002, St. Valentine’s Day, chosen by Ryanair for the inauguration of its operations at Orio al Serio Airport, with a flight from Frankfurt Hahn on which a marriage was celebrated.
In 2003, the year in which Ryanair opened its operational base, the number of passengers increased from 1.2 million to 2.7 million, initiating a phase of constant growth that took it close to 14 million passengers by the end of 2019.






Milan Bergamo Airport has welcomed the first flight by the airline Air Albania, arriving from Tirana.
The Albanian national airline, founded by Turkish Airlines and the Albanian government in 2018, operates the connection to Tirana utilising an Airbus A319 with 128 passenger seats, 8 seats in business class + 120 seats in economy class, alternating with a 151-seat Boeing 737-800 in a configuration with 16 seats in business class + 135 in economy class.
The flights offered by Air Albania represent an addition to those operated by the airlines Blue Panorama and Wizz Air. The network of flights connecting the Albanian capital to Milan Bergamo Airport has thus been extended, both in terms of frequency and flight schedules, and as regards the pricing structure.



The Albastar airline will operate five routes from Milan Bergamo Airport in summer 2020, flying one of the five B737-800NG aircraft in its fleet, with a 189-seat single-class configuration, in compliance with the strictest, most stringent safety standards required by EASA.
Flights to Lamezia on Saturdays, and to Brindisi on Sundays, began on 4th and 5th July respectively, and they will continue for both destinations until 20th September.
From 25th July, Albastar will operate a flight to Olbia every Saturday, guaranteed to run until 12th September, and to Lampedusa, until 3rd October. From 2nd August until 13th September, a flight to Catania will be scheduled every Sunday.
With this wide range of routes, Albastar is responding to the demand of holiday traffic from Milan Bergamo Airport towards Southern Italy and the islands, increasing the number of destinations and offering travel opportunities for the whole of the summer season and beyond.



SACBO has won recognition from the prestigious organisation TÜV SÜD, one of the most
important certification providers, for its comprehensive, impeccable application of the measures for preventing the risk of COVID-19 that have been implemented in its airport and office premises.
This certification, obtained after stringent audits, completes a process that was initiated in March 2020 in order to guarantee a safe restart for operations at the Bergamo-Orio al Serio airport.
By applying a procedure based on the certified management systems ISO 9001 (Quality),
ISO 14001 (Environment), ISO 45001 (Health and safety at work), and ISO 27001 (Information security), SACBO has incorporated the elements necessary for implementing best practices and the appropriate measures regarding COVID-19 prevention into its operational model.
These measures are based on Italian and European directives, and they benefit from the
experience developed by the TÜV group worldwide in projects that include the management of risks deriving from the pandemic.
In addition to the various corporate management departments, representatives of external
stakeholders, such as the airport Users Committee, were also involved in the process. This
contribution made it possible to take a wide range of opinions into account, adding technical aspects to the preparation of the requisites to be audited.
The completion of the assessment process will soon be endorsed by the issue of the TÜV
SÜD HYGIENESYNOPSIS declaration of conformity, a document of exceptional value that will be formally delivered to SACBO.
The airport management company has received TÜV’s congratulations for its commitment
dedicated to travellers and operatives at the Bergamo-Orio al Serio airport.



La partenza del volo con destinazione Madrid, il cui decollo è avvenuto puntualmente alle 6:45 di domenica 21 giugno, ha segnato la ripresa delle operazioni di Ryanair sull’Aeroporto di Milano Bergamo.

Nel primo giorno di ripresa dei collegamenti, sono stati programmati sette voli in partenza e altrettanti in arrivo. Ripristinati i collegamenti con Catania, Ibiza, Madrid, Palma, Manchester, Alghero e Atene.

Altre 20 rotte verranno riattivate nei giorni successivi: Bari, Cagliari, Bruxelles-Charleroi, Berlino-Schönefeld, Lisbona, Pescara, Valencia, Barcellona-El Prat e Sofia dal 22 giugno; Brindisi, Palermo, Londra-Stansted, Lamezia Terme, Budapest, Napoli, Manchester, Cracovia, Dublino e Malaga dal 23 giugno; Bucarest dal 27 giugno.

Dal 1° luglio Ryanair incrementerà ulteriormente il numero di rotte e la loro frequenza, come parte integrante dell’operativo per l’estate 2020 da e per l’aeroporto di Milano Bergamo, che comprende 93 rotte, di cui 11 nazionali - Bari, Brindisi, Palermo, Lamezia Terme, Cagliari, Catania, Napoli, Pescara, Alghero, Crotone, Trapani - e 82 internazionali.
