Mitigation measures
In harmony with PSA 2030 which obtained the positive judgment of environmental compatibility with DEC/VIA/2022, in 2023, SACBO allocated 4.5 million euros to continue environmental mitigation interventions, according to methods shared with the municipal administrations of Bagnatica, Bergamo, Brusaporto, Grassobbio, Orio al Serio and Seriate, and published the related tender for the evaluation of questions relating to the design and implementation of improvements connected to the soundproofing of housing units located in areas close to the Milan Bergamo Orio al Serio Airport.
The documentation relating to the submission of the application can be downloaded below.
SACBO has set out a programme of interventions and activities for the containment and reduction of airport noise pollution in residential buildings pursuant to DEC/VIA/2003 (PSA 2015). The aforementioned programme is also the result of an agreement with the Lombardy Region and the Province of Bergamo.
Despite the subsequent cancellation of the Acoustic Zoning programme (approved in 2010 and cancelled in 2013) and the inapplicability of the prescriptions contained within, SACBO continued with the measures already under way and has furthermore taken steps to implement the procedures considered most effective for noise abatement, as well as promoting the implementation of acoustic mitigation measures in the homes closest to the airport and subject to high levels of pollution.
In 2010, the first call for mitigation measures was launched, providing for structural measures (replacement of windows with better acoustic performance) and acoustic comfort measures (installation of air conditioning systems) for homes around the airport. In agreement with the Municipal Administrations concerned, the National Research Centre (CNR) was charged with carrying out a technical-economic estimate of the mitigation measures necessary to achieve the acoustic standards required by the regulation. After carrying out inspections in the affected housing units, the CNR identified the necessary interventions for each of the approximately 125 homes involved. Thanks to the cooperation of the municipalities concerned, agreements were reached with the owners on the type of work to be carried out and the necessary permits were gained. The work was carried out in the autumn of 2013, for a total cost borne by SACBO of approximately € 1,600,000.
In addition, the management company SACBO provided financial resources, carried out and completed soundproofing operations for sensitive receptors located within Zones A and B of the acoustic zoning approved in 2010 (and later cancelled), evaluating soundproofing measures in 10 school buildings in the municipalities of Bergamo, Orio al Serio and Grassobbio. The definition and support in planning these measures was provided by technicians from the Institute of Construction Technologies (ITC) run by the National Research Council (CNR). The school buildings identified were:
- the crèche in Via Quasimodo, Bergamo
- the nursery school in Via Linneo, Bergamo
- the primary school in Via Facoetti, Orio al Serio
- the nursery school in Largo XXV Aprile, Orio al Serio
- the crèche in Largo XXV Aprile, Orio al Serio
- the nursery school in Via Costantina, Bergamo
- the “Calvino” primary school in Via per Azzano, Bergamo
- the “Muzio” middle school in Via S. Pietro ai Campi, Bergamo
- the primary school in via Fornacette, Grassobbio
- the “Belotti” technical institute in Via per Azzano, Bergamo
With the exception of the crèche in Largo XXV Aprile, Orio al Serio, which did not require any intervention, all the other buildings underwent extraordinary maintenance works/replacement of windows and doors.
In addition, again for the crèche, in view of the sensitivity and the period of opening of the facility, improvements were also made to the ventilation/air conditioning system.
At the end of 2015, SACBO published a further call for tender for the implementation of mitigation measures for a total of €3 million in favour of homes in the vicinity of the airport and exposed to significant noise levels - above 65 dB(A) - for a total of 171 homes.
With the cooperation of the municipalities involved, the works in the houses, once approval for both the renovation of windows and the installation of air conditioning systems was received from the individual owners, were fully completed in 2017.
As a continuation of the interventions completed in previous years, in 2017 SACBO allocated 4.5 million euros to continue environmental mitigation interventions and published the relative call for tender for the evaluation of applications for the planning and implementation of works for the soundproofing of housing units located in areas in the vicinity of Milan Bergamo Airport, according to shared procedures and with the collaboration of the municipal administrations involved.
233 homes were involved, and both structural measures (replacement of windows for better acoustic performance) and acoustic comfort measures (installation of air conditioning systems) were completed in 2019.
For the two calls for tender in 2015 and 2017, as was the case for 2010, the parameters provided for by sector regulations were taken as reference for the purpose of optimising acoustic comfort and soundproofing and, in particular, on behalf of SACBO, the CNR proceeded to identify the measures required for each home to obtain the performance and acoustic standards specified by the regulations.