Security checks
SACBO asks passengers for the their utmost cooperation in complying with the rules laid down to safeguard the safety of flights and to facilitate checks - baggage and passengers - before accessing the boarding area.
Prepare to show your boarding card and place the following objects in the dedicated tray and you may have to remove your shoes should the metal detector signal the presence of metal parts.
You may have to repeat the X-ray checks several times. We are confident of your cooperation should it be necessary to open your hand baggage or carry out a search.
Transport of Liquids in hand baggage
It is permitted to carry on board a small quantity of liquids in your hand baggage in containers each of which must have a maximum capacity of 100 millilitres or an equivalent weight (100 grams) which must be placed in transparent resealable bags of a maximum capacity of 1 litre (approx. 20 x 20 cm).
Liquids include:
- water and other drinks, soups, syrups
- cream lotions and oils
- perfumes
- sprays
- gel, including hair and shower gels
- contents of pressurised containers including shaving foam, other foams and deodorants
- paste substances including toothpaste
- liquid mixtures.
These bags must be submitted for inspection separately from the rest of the hand baggage. Each passenger is only allowed one bag. In the hand baggage besides the above resealable bag and if possible limited to the quantity necessary for the journey you may continue to carry medicines and dietary products such as baby food. We inform you that it may be necessary to provide proof of the actual necessity of such articles.
You can purchase liquids such as drinks and perfumes in the airport shops in the Duty Free after the security checks, on the aircraft and in the other Community airports. Products purchased in the Duty Free and on board the aircraft will be delivered in special bags sealed by the seller which are not to be opened until you arrive at your final destination.
Otherwise if you make stopovers, purchased liquids may be confiscated at the security checkpoints.
Below is a summary table with examples of the quantities of liquids allowed.
The list shown in the table is not exhaustive and for further information please contact the airline with which you have booked your flight.
Following the new European legislation as of 31st January 2014 liquids purchased in the duty free of airports or on board the aircraft can be carried in hand baggage. These liquids must be kept with the receipt inside the bag sealed at the time of purchase and they will be checked at the security points. For this reason the security agents will have to open the bags and in some cases also the liquid containers.
In the event the transit is not for a final destination but for a further stopover, it is necessary to inform the security agent who will be required to re-insert your liquids in a sealed bag together with its receipt and an attestation of the check carried out. The legislation also applies to passengers in transit who leave the customs area and then return to the departures area within the following 3 hours.
For further information the call centre can be contacted on 035 326287/288, twitter channel at account @BergamoAirport, the airline or the travel agency in question
Below are some articles considered hazardous whose transport could be severely restricted or even banned. For further information please contact the airline with which you have booked your flight or visit the website of Enac (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) .
All substances that carry a risk of explosion (e.g. gas, liquids and highly flammable substances, reactive substances or oxidants, peroxides, corrosive substances, vehicle parts containing petroleum, highly flammable liquids such as e.g. gasoline, lamp oil, lighter gas, petrol, combustible paste etc.) are prohibited in both hand and hold baggage.
All substances which involve a fire hazard, corrosion or the development of toxic gases are absolutely prohibited both in hand and hold baggage. Included among banned substances are dyes, basic substances, household chemicals, toxic substances or substances that can cause infections, radioactive materials, pepper spray and other sprays used for self-defence, etc. p>