VAT refund

Tax refund for persons domiciled and/or residents outside the EU.
In the airport there is a service in operation for tax refunds for persons domiciled and/or residents outside the EU (tax-free), through a procedure approved by the Customs Agency.
The company in the airport that is authorised to carry out the tax-refund service is :

Telephone: 035 19902557 (arrivals area office)
Telephone: 035 19904219 (departures area office)
The "TAX FREE" service in relation to goods contained in hold baggage and hand baggage lays down the following essential conditions to apply for a VAT refund on purchases:
- The passenger must be resident or domiciled in a country outside the EU;
- The overall value of purchases must be of the minimum value required by each member country (for Italy the minimum value is equal to € 154.90 including VAT);
- The goods must be intended for personal or family use and carried in your personal baggage (hand or hold baggage);
- The purchase must be accompanied by an invoice containing a description of the goods, the personal details of the applicant and of their passport or an equivalent document;
- The goods must be transported outside the EU within three months from the end of the month in which they were purchased;
- The invoice must be returned to the seller within four months from the end of the month in which they were purchased;
- When leaving the EU the passenger must show the goods and related documentation to the Customs Office who will stamp an "endorsement" on the invoice, as proof that the goods left the EU;
- The goods which are the subject of a refund must not be used before leaving EU territory.
With regard to items carried in personal luggage, the following procedures apply for different types of baggage.
HOLD BAGGAGE: Passengers who, during check-in, have declared to having items in their hold baggage for which they intend to apply for the tax-free service, once registration is complete, will be asked by an agent of SACBO SpA to go with their luggage to the Customs Agency's station, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the "Oversize Baggage", where customs formalities will be undertaken consisting of the visual inspection of the goods and the application of the required stamps on the sales documents. Once these procedures are complete the passenger will insert the baggage in the Ski-Point for subsequent forwarding to BHS; these operations will be carried out under customs supervision. For a tax-refund passengers can then go to the desks of the companies authorised to carry out tax-refunds in the airport terminal, or they can choose to post the sales documentation using the pre-stamped envelope and place it in the post boxes situated beside the customs office in the extra-Schengen area after passport control. Under no circumstances will the Customs Office carry out a refund. The above customs station will be manned concurrently with the check-in opening hours for flights whose destination is outside the EU.
HAND BAGGAGE: Passengers with goods in their hand baggage can go to the Customs office located in the extra-Schengen area, immediately after the Border Police desks, for completion of customs procedures in relation to the tax-free service. The customs officials will check the goods together with the tax documentation and once all is in order they will affix the customs stamps on the documentation. Passengers can then place the pre-stamped envelope, received when purchasing the goods, containing the above documentation, in one of the mail boxes located close to the Customs office, specially dedicated to the authorised tax-refund companies. Travellers in transit, who have a single ticket but hold a dual boarding card (through check-in), one for the first national or EU flight and the other one for their final non-EU destination, can obtain the customs stamp at the Customs office of their airport of departure.