
Quality Management System

Since 1999, SACBO was among the first Airport Management companies in Italy that chose to develop its Quality Management System in compliance with ISO 9000 Regulations.

Over the years, SACBO has always operated to manage and implement its Quality Management System in view of continuous service levels improvement to its customers.

In 2017, SACBO established a new company called "BGY International Services S.r.l." which acts as a Handler and assists Carriers by providing services to passengers, baggage, aircraft and goods. In addition, in the same year SACBO adapted its Quality Management System to UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 regulation.

The change of scenario has involved an effective contribution for SACBO, representing an important opportunity, as the company has considered its organization and context, through a careful analysis of internal and external factors considering being relevant for strategic focus.

SACBO made an analysis of its strengths and weaknesses in order to understand the ability to meet the requirements of customers and parties involved, also in long term.

For business processes, risk management with a "risk-based thinking" approach is very important for identifying, assessing and managing risks by identifying opportunities to be improved.

Through responsible and widespread leadership, we can see the commitment to quality inside the company.

TÜV Management Service validated the following scope (Certificate No. 501002495):

“Airport development planning, design and supply of ground handling services for reduced mobility passengers, centralized handling services, waste management, sewage disposal; design, achievement, management and maintenance of airport infrastructures, plants and equipment; supervision of airport non-aviation activities run by contractors (retail, bars and restaurants, cleaning, car parking), supply and quality assurance of aeronautical data; provision of training activities in the airport sector bothin traditional and e-learning mode”.

S.A.C.B.O. Spa Policy

Customer satisfaction

Every four months SACBO conducts, through the opinion poll institute BDS, customer satisfaction surveys to analyse their customer profile, their level of expectations and their perceived quality.
On the basis of these demoscopic analyses our passengers help us to serve them better
