Health and Security Policy
Health and Safety Management

SACBO is highly attentive and committed to concrete objectives of prevention in order to eliminate or limit risks for the wellbeing of its employees, every single day.
At SACBO S.p.A., safety at work is intended to keep the workplace safe, to improve the quality of working life with greater control over the workplace, to prevent illnesses and reduce the number of accidents.
The company has followed an internal policy of prevention and safety in the workplace for some time now, resulting in the UNI ISO 45001:2018 certification received.
This certification does not so much represent an achievement for SACBO S.p.A., but a starting point as it confirms the ability to constantly monitor and verify all aspects connected to safety in the workplace with the aim of continued improvement.
S.A.C.B.O. Spa Policy
Work safety and fire prevention
This section contains the documents relating to fire safety for the assignees of spaces granted in use by the Airport Operator at Milan Bergamo Airport
In consideration of the particular relevance of the topic and the importance, from the point of view of fire prevention, of the activities carried out by third-party operators in airports, a specific document has been prepared containing the Fire Regulations for contractors and the Emergency and Evacuation Plan.
Please note that each Employer has the obligation pursuant to Legislative Decree 81/08 to carry out the Fire Risk Assessment of the workplaces present in the assigned spaces and to adopt the consequent necessary organizational and management measures to be implemented in case of fire, reporting them in an Emergency Plan drawn up in accordance with the Ministerial Decree. 02/09/2021. The Emergency Plans and the measures adopted must be consistent and compliant with the contents of the Plan and the Regulations prepared by SACBO.
Simple rules for responsible behaviour in the airport.