Noise climate

Despite not having the expertise to directly intervene on the sources of airport noise, SACBO actively participates in comparison initiatives with Local Authorities aimed at identifying optimal interventions in terms of cost/benefits to improve the acoustic climate around the airport:

In particular, SACBO:

  • manages the system that monitors the sound emissions produced by the Milano Bergamo Airport and ensures the transparency of information on acoustic data, making it available to the public in a dedicated monthly bulletin.
  • prepared the drafting of the 2013 Action Plan pursuant to Legislative Decree n. 194.
  • publishes in a timely manner the list of nighttime takeoffs for runway 28 authorised in accordance with that published in AIP Italy in relation to Noise Abatement Procedures.

Monitoring of noise

SACBO, as provided by current law, acquired in June 2004 from the Province of Bergamo the management of the entire Airport Noise Acquisition System, suitable for monitoring the acoustic pollution produced by airport activity on the surrounding areas. The system incorporates different types of information such as radar tracking, noise levels, atmospheric data and the flight log, to identify the sources of noise and evaluate their influence on the surrounding areas. The system that monitors the noise surrounding the airport is organised as follows:

The eight fixed monitoring stations were located taking into account the approach and takeoff routes from the airport in the two directions used by the runway: runway 10 - towards east and runway 28 - towards west.

In consideration of the important role given to the airport noise monitoring network, managed and financed by SACBO, for its control function of the existing situation and of "direct" checking of the work undertaken in the strategic choices aimed at containing the acoustic impact, it is considered useful to provide a more complete description of them.

In relation to the microphone measurement stations inherited from the Province of Bergamo in 2004, with the management of S.A.C.B.O., the airport noise monitoring network has, to date, the following structure:

  • Bagnatica - Via delle Groane
  • Orio al Serio - Via XXV Aprile
  • Bergamo - Via Linneo
  • Bergamo - Via Quasimodo
  • Bergamo - Via Colognola ai Colli
  • Seriate - Via Basse, Cassinone
  • Grassobbio - Viale Lombardia
  • Azzano S.Paolo - via XXIV Maggio

These stations, operational 24 hours a day 7 days a week, are supported by another two mobile stations, with which SACBO carries out short-term measurement campaigns (two weeks/a month) both for site checks where fixed stations are planned for installation, and to characterise portions of land non covered by the fixed stations.

The data obtained from the above stations is analysed and validated monthly by a skilled environmental acoustics technician, as prescribed by the legislative framework on noise pollution n. 447/95 and are disseminated to the public by means of an electronic newsletter on the internet. ARPA Lombardia periodically checks compliance with regional and national regulations in force



Action Plan

Pursuant to Legislative Decree n. 194/2005, SACBO S.p.A. has prepared the 2024 Action Plan.

È possibile presentare eventuali commenti e osservazioni alla nuova versione della Sintesi Non Tecnica, scaricabile dal link in calce, che possono essere trasmessi compilando il presente modulo.


Noise Abatement Procedures

The so-called Noise Abatement Procedures are in force at Milano Bergamo Airport, which govern the procedures of all aircraft taking off and landing, with the aim of minimising the acoustic impact on the towns surrounding the airport grounds, confirming the limitations in place relative to the 23.00-06.00 nighttime period, except for authorised operations due to adverse weather conditions, special air traffic conditions or operational security reasons.
The presence of these provisions enables ENAC to sanction air carriers following proven non-compliance with regulations.

In the Italian section of this site is available the list of the authorised takeoff flights in accordance with what published in AIP Italy on Noise Abatement Procedures.
