

Today, Monday 23 December, Milan Bergamo Airport celebrated its 17-millionth passenger of the year. A milestone that reflects the trend in traffic seen throughout 2024 as a result of an increase in the average load factor on flights and the extensive network, which offered 154 destinations in 42 countries during the summer period. The number of passengers that will have passed through Milan Bergamo Airport by the end of the year will see the conclusion of a period of recovery in air traffic that began following the 2020-2021 period characterised by the pandemic and that developed significantly as early as 2022, to then continue in 2023 with almost 16 million passengers.

These figures also reflect growth in terms of quality and satisfaction, which has been confirmed both by recognition from ACI World as the best airport in the 5-to-15-million passenger category (in 2021 and 2022) and by the assigning of level 1 certification for customer management in 2024. This has been accompanied by particular care and professionalism in the provision of support to PRMs (Persons with Reduced Mobility), with the number of passengers in this category growing from 72,000 in 2023 to 87,000 in 2024 (+21%).

The increase in passenger traffic has come in line with the implementation of works financed entirely by SACBO as part of the 2023-2027 industrial plan, which has provided for investments worth 203 million. A significant portion of the work planned is dedicated to the process of sustainability, which represents a fundamental goal for underscoring the role of the airport. “We are proud of having achieved and, at this point, passed the annual threshold of 17 million passengers – stated Giovanni Sanga, the president of SACBO – A result that has been achieved thanks to broad synergies and wide-ranging vision, reflecting our capacity to adapt infrastructure and services to a constantly evolving operational scenario. This result has been made possible by significant professionalism at all levels, from the staff of the airport management company to the state organisations and the various operators concerned, ensuring recognition of the utmost quality and efficiency of services in 2024.

Quality and safety will be further bolstered with the expansion of the passenger terminal, with new check-in and security control areas. At the same time, SACBO continues to pursue its goal of sustainable development, carrying out mitigation works to benefit residents living in the vicinity of the airport. In addition, activities continue in the field of epidemiological studies promoted by the Local Health Authority in collaboration with the Bicocca University, which will pass to stage three in 2025 with the involvement of residents in the areas surrounding the airport. Furthermore, in line with the process of decarbonisation defined by SACBO, 2025 will see the expansion of the fleet of electric passenger- and aircraft-service vehicles, and the implementation of a photovoltaic plant situated in the remote parking area, which is capable of providing for more than 10% of the annual energy demands of the airport. An ecological contribution in addition to the 55% from renewable sources provided by the national grid”.
