Flight baptism certificate

Every day hundreds of people make their first flight passing through Milan Bergamo Airport and for them it is a special day and moments. Boarding an aircraft to move from one part of Europe to another, in most cases, or more simply of one's own country, is an experience destined to be remembered by most who live it.

Sacbo, the management company of Milan Bergamo Airport, has introduced a nice initiative in the portfolio of services aimed at passengers a few years ago, which allows the Certificate of Flight Baptism to be issued to those who request it. The memory of a particular day will remain imprinted on a personalized card bearing the passenger's name, the day on which they made their first flight, an indication of the carrier and the destination. It is possible to request the Flight Baptism Certificate for all departures from Milan Bergamo Airport.

The interested party can apply for it, for himself or his family, friends or travel companions, by filling in the online form. The Flight Baptism Certificate, which is nominative, will be sent via email in digital format.

The issue cost is €5.00.

Request here
