Environmental Management

Since 2008 SACBO has held ISO 14001 environmental certification following the inspection process carried out at the airport by the TÜV Certification Body. A certificate of compliance which defines a strategy of constant attention to the environment and territory aimed at ensuring compatibility of aeronautical activities under the development plan of the Bergamo airport.

The certification process began in September 2007 and required management and control procedures aimed at ensuring levels of performance which, for the purpose of granting the certificate, must be above the minimum required by current regulations with a view to continuous improvement. The ISO 14001 Environmental Certificate - which is supplemented by that for ISO 9001 Quality obtained by SACBO in 2001 - places Milano Bergamo Airport on a par with the most advanced airports on a European and international level in terms of services, operations and infrastructure.

Alongside the management and monitoring of noise and air components, SACBO also manages all other environmental aspects affected by airport activities, such as:

  • Waste: Considering that almost 14 million passengers passed through in 2019, Milano Bergamo Airport could be compared to a town of 35,000 inhabitants that produce waste for disposal and for which the Management company has created a dedicated Recycling Centre inside its grounds and managed by the Municipality of Orio al Serio. SACBO and the other airport operators also produce special waste which is disposed of correctly, not without a major commitment and care, through special procedures. Milano Bergamo Airport manages waste so that recycling is encouraged over disposal. Inside and outside the airport terminal, in the administration and operations areas paper and cardboard, plastic, glass and tins are collected separately, as well as a fraction of waste which is not differentiated.
  • Water
  • Soil
  • Electromagnetic fields
  • Light pollution: The Airport Light Plan drafted by SACBO as early as 2006 introduced the gradual replacement of the airport lighting plant by using low impact lighting systems and technologies as required by Regional Law n. 17 of March 27, 2000
  • Resource consumption
  • Ecosystem
  • Mobility
  • Communication with the Territory
