Airport Regulations

Legislative Decree n. 237/04, converted into Law 265/04, art. 2, as amended by Legislative Decree n. 96/05 reforming the aviation part of the Navigation Code, stipulates the obligation to adopt Airport Regulations for every airport.
The Airport Regulations of Milano Bergamo Airport are drafted by the Airport Operator and adopted by the Airport Management of ENAC who has made it mandatory with Ordinance n. 2/2019 on 10/07/2019, the observance of which is required by everyone operating in the airport for whatever reason.
Included in the Airport Regulations are the rules and procedures in force devised to ensure the correct use of infrastructure and facilities, in compliance with the objectives of safety and effectiveness of service, thus defining the conditions of use of the airport.

View the content of the Airport Regulations edition 4.0 - 1 August 2019


The temporary assignment of stalls for the into-plane refueling activity is carried out according to the criteria set out in the attached Regulations.

Operators who meet the requirements for the assignment of areas for stall use will be able to make an expression of interest to SACBO Spa, in the manner regulated by the Regulations.

The Airport Manager, having verified that the Operator meets the required requirements, will assign the stalls identified in the attached plan. 
