Environmental Certifications

Bergamo Orio al Serio Airport has attained the third level of Airport Carbon Accreditation, which, directly inspired by the ISO 14000 standard, is dedicated to and exclusively regards airport infrastructures, demonstrating the Airport’s attention to the theme of atmospheric pollution.

This represents a further, significant step in the constant, progressive improvement of the airport’s environmental compatibility, taking all its activities into account.

In fact, in order to obtain this certification, the Airport Management Company is required to demonstrate the implementation of measures, and the management of airport activities, in such a way as to optimise the use of its energy resources. The annual calculation of the so-called “Carbon Footprint” (which translates the resources used by the airport management company into the equivalent amount of CO2 produced) and the assessment of its containment and reduction over the course of time make it possible to demonstrate the efficacy of the actions adopted.

Accreditation is performed on four different levels, and the attainment of each of these requires an increasingly greater involvement and commitment on the part of the airport management company.

In 2014, SACBO obtained recognition for the first level (MAPPING) of this important certification, demonstrating awareness of the use of available resources and the efforts made for their optimisation by means of its environmental policy (compliant with, and certified as, ISO 14001).

In 2015, SACBO then attained – successfully renewing it from year to year – accreditation of the second level (REDUCTION), demonstrating a constant containment and reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, by means of the identification and implementation of a series of actions designed for optimising energy efficiency.

In 2020, notwithstanding the current pandemic, and confirming its commitment to sustainability, the SACBO Group nonetheless targeted and attained the objective of raising its ACA accreditation to the third level (OPTIMISATION).

Third-level accreditation was obtained by showing that the involvement of third-party operators working at the airport, the so-called “Airport Community” (air carriers, handlers, contractors, etc…) had been obtained, by means of operations promoting awareness, and actions designed to engage stakeholders and assure their participation with regard to the shared objective of constantly containing and reducing their own CO2 footprint.

This recognition, achieved in a year hallmarked by an emergency situation of undeniably high levels of difficulty, highlights to an even greater degree the SACBO Group’s ongoing commitment to the reduction of emissions, bringing a series of coordinated actions into play regarding the airport and the various parties operating therewithin, and confirming an increasingly tangible commitment to the implementation of environmental sustainability principles.

The accreditation places Bergamo Orio al Serio Airport on a level analogous to that of the great European airports such as Aéroport de Paris, Heathrow, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Brussels and Aena Aeropuertos, while nationally it is on a par for this issue with the airports of Milan, Rome, Venice, Naples and Bologna.
