Airport Bike Friendly

Milan Bergamo Airport is the first European “bike friendly” airport. On 15/12/2021, on the occasion of the inauguration of the new west wing of the terminal, and in the presence of the Minister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility Enrico Giovannini, FIAB Italy issued the airport management company SACBO S.p.A. with CFE certification for the airport.

The CFE Cycle Friendly Employer certification, official recognition for companies that stand out for having created a working environment that promotes and supports the use of bicycles, is issued in accordance with the European Protocol defined by the ECF (European Cyclists’ Federation).

In Italy, the audit procedure and the assessing of the more than 50 criteria subdivided into 6 categories, leading to the assignment of a final score, is managed by FIAB (the Italian Environment and Bicycle Federation).

SACBO S.p.A., the company managing Milan Bergamo Airport, achieved the certification in September 2021 following the relative audit procedure for its company activities, becoming the first Italian company and the first airport operator in Europe to achieve this result.

Now this new and highly desirable goal, which rewards the efforts made in creating the conditions for the entire community of airport workers to be able to come to work every day by bike, in line with the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda.

They talk about us


Explore the section "Bergamo by bike" on the Bergamo Municipality Website. 

Is it possible to check in a bicycle on a plane? Check the rules and procedures applied by the airlines operating from Milan Bergamo Airport.
