Air quality
The assessment of the air quality in the vicinity of the airport appears to be extremely complex as it is influenced by lots of factors, of which only some fall under the direct control of the airport management company. The effects on the atmosphere generated by the Bergamo airport are to be added to those that are present in a highly urbanised setting, characterised by lots of industrial activities and road transport infrastructure. The focus of SACBO with regard to this environmental matrix consists of two aspects: the estimated polluting emissions generated by aviation into the atmosphere and the monitoring of the relative dispersions at a local level.
INEMAR Emission Inventory
With regard to the estimated polluting emissions generated by aviation in the atmosphere, SACBO took as reference and analysed the data provided in the last Air Emissions Inventory of the Lombardy Region (INEMAR) drafted by ARPA Lombardia, relative to 2014 and published in 2018.
INEMAR presents estimated emissions of the main pollutants generated by the various activities in Lombardy, among which those generated by aviation. The data represents the best estimates carried out by ARPA Lombardia and the Lombardy Region, relative to 2014. We note that INEMAR includes under "air traffic" the emissions generated by the movement of aircrafts, and those generated, for example, by ground support activities of the same (loading and unloading of baggage, boarding and disembarkation of passengers, etc.).
Attention was focused on the main pollutants present in significant concentrations in the atmosphere and in particular: CO (carbon monoxide), NOX (Nitrogen Oxides), PM10 (Fine airborne particles), O3 Precursors (Ozone precursors). To this we add greenhouse gas emissions, expressed in tons of CO2 equivalent. All these gases include in particular CO2 itself, CH4 (methane) and N2O (nitrous oxide).
The emissions relating to aviation result particularly small when compared with the total emissions in the atmosphere produced by the main emissive sources considered in the Province of Bergamo. The aviation emission contribution is in the order of only 1% of almost all the pollutants taken into account.

Source: ARPA LOMBARDIA (2018),
INEMAR, Atmosphere Emissions Inventory: emissions in the Lombardy Region in 2014
ARPA Lombardia Environmental Monitoring Sector
Processing: SACBO SpA
As a further investigation, the airport emissions were compared with the emissions produced by the towns in the immediate vicinity of the airport actually overflown by aircraft taking off and landing at an altitude of less than 3,000 feet. This height represents, at an international level, the reference under which the aircraft emissions are calculated on a local scale. In particular the towns taken into consideration are: Dalmine, Lallio, Stezzano, Azzano San Paolo, Bergamo, Orio al Serio, Grassobbio, Seriate, Brusaporto, Bagnatica, Costa di Mezzate, Chiuduno, Grumello, Carobbio degli Angeli, Bolgare.

As clearly illustrated by the graph below, the aviation emission contribution when compared to other sources, even considering just the territory surrounding the airport, goes from 1.6% for PM10 to 9.7% for nitrogen oxides.

Source: ARPA LOMBARDIA (2018),
INEMAR, Atmosphere Emissions Inventory: emissions in the Lombardy Region in 2014
ARPA Lombardia Environmental Monitoring Sector
Processing: SACBO SpA
To support the assessments mentioned above, for several years SACBO has been carrying out monitoring campaigns of air quality on the territory with the support of ARPA Lombardia.
The data obtained from ARPA referring to the measuring stations in the immediate vicinity of the airport show no peak in pollution which can be correlated to air traffic, nor significant differences from that measured from other similar stations of ARPA provincial monitoring network.
The results of such monitoring are available on the Agency's website, in the area dedicated to air pollution monitoring, at the following address: