Sustainability Report

The SACBO Group's Sustainability Reports are part of the increasingly marked transparency process towards the outside world, offering the qualitative and quantitative description of the social and environmental results that the Group has achieved in relation to the commitments undertaken and the programs implemented in accordance with the identity corporate (values, mission, strategies and policies), They make it possible to report, in addition to the economic results, the other "utilities" produced by SACBO, to allow stakeholders to have a comprehensive picture of the activity carried out.

The Reports are based on corporate identity and materiality, on the reinterpretation of the financial statements from a sustainability and social point of view, making it possible to determine the Added Value and its distribution among the various stakeholders, which include the reference territory, as well as on the process of reporting of the corporate macro areas. In particular, the environmental and social priorities are highlighted, in line with and in relation to the Group's business strategy, the most important of which are the issues of safety and health at the airport, accessibility and intermodality and the environmental issue.

The Group started drafting the first report referring to the 2018 year, continuing without interruption in the following years.

The reports of the last two years are published.
