
BERGAMOLYNK is a new and dynamic service which allows you to plan your journey using Milan Bergamo Airport as your connection hub.

Thanks to this service, it is possible to reach more than 100 destinations in Europe and beyond. With BERGAMOLYNK you can purchase two tickets with any airline to reach your final destination via Milan Bergamo Airport.

By choosing to purchase your flights via the website, you will be able to check-in your luggage at a dedicated area in the VIP lounge, and access the Fast Track service with the exclusive QR code that you will find on your booking summary and which will allow you to use a special area for security checks, thus bypassing any queues.

BERGAMOLYNK is safe and easy to use: just follow the signs and symbols indicating the path from the baggage reclaim area to the Fast Track entrance and the VIP lounge located before security controls.

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