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Corruption prevention

Given the legal nature of Sacbo, as a non-controlling state-owned company, the rules on the prevention of corruption do not apply directly. However, in compliance with the ANAC Resolution n. 1134 of 2017, Sacbo deemed it appropriate to integrate its MOGC pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 with a dedicated section, with organizational and management measures suitable for preventing further acts of corruption to the detriment of the Company and the Public Administration.

Civic access

Simple civic access

With reference to the data and information specified in Legislative Decree 33/2013, civil access is permitted as stated in article 5 and under the limitations as per article 5 bis of the same decree. Anyone may exercise their right to access by sending a request to the email address shown below, after reading and accepting our Privacy Policy.

I have read and accepted your Privacy Policy

Sacbo SpA will answer as soon as possible and in any case within 30 days of the date of request.

Generalized civic access

With reference to the data and information specified in Legislative Decree 33/2013, civil access is permitted as stated in article 5 and under the limitations as per article 5 bis of the same decree. Anyone may exercise their right to access by sending a request to the email address shown below, after reading and accepting our Privacy Policy.

I have read and accepted your Privacy Policy

Sacbo SpA will answer as soon as possible and in any case within 30 days of the date of request.

Access log

Access log

Accessibility and catalog of data, metadata and databases

Given the legal nature of Sacbo, as an investee company, this requirement is not applicable.

Further data
