A 50 years long flight

Soaring through the sky, above the clouds, beyond thoughts.
This splendid ability that man has been chasing since the most ancient civilizations.
First a forbidden dream, then a daring innovation, today an extraordinary daily routine that allows us to observe spaces and territories from a privileged point of view. (wider)
Flight has always been a symbol of success and ascent.
Flight is discovery, it is innovation: it is the ingenuity of the human being who gives himself new opportunities, new horizons.
It is openness, it is culture, it is encounter and union. It's a fantastic way to draw new connections and relationships.
Flight is development, growth.
Punctuated by goals and new departures, flight is and will always be the great opportunity, given to man, to broaden his vision, to go beyond his limits, to revise his beliefs and adopt new perspectives, reborn each time as a citizen of the world.
Flight is all this and many other things, but for us, since 1972, flight is simply you.
Philatelic cancellation and collection postcard